There were 131 such foreclosures sold, but just 12 at $100k+. Here are all the recorded sales prices:
Click on the images below for interactive maps with details. You’ll need to zoom in to South Bend as a few addresses mapped incorrectly. You can ignore the markers out of the state. Once you are in the area, you can click the icons for addresses, prices and links to details of homes for sale.
There were 131 sales of foreclosed homes recorded in the area’s MLS between January 1 and March 31.
There were 106 foreclosed homes listed for sale in the area’s MLS when I pulled the data on April 19.
Foreclosures in St. Joseph County that sold Jan 1 – March 31 and all foreclosures listed for sale
Only those over $50k
If you’re looking to buy a South Bend area house at a price over $100k, you won’t find many foreclosed options, just 24 are listed for sale at the time I write this. If you’re willing to deal with the uncertainty and slow responses that are part of buying a short sale you’ll find more choices by including those in your search – there are 107 short sales for sale now and 28 of them are priced at $100k+.
And there are well-priced homes included in homes that are neither foreclosures nor short sales. There are 946 houses for sale over $100k in the county right now. Limiting your search to the five or six percent of these homes that are short sales or foreclosures may not be the best way to get a good buy. It may take filtering out some overpriced homes, and even writing some low offers, but considering all types of housing is a smart choice before you buy.
I am looking forward to hearing the next blogpost from you. From what we’re hearing in the news (and what I see in Twyckenham Hills and the southside as a whole, it seems as if real estate may be picking up around here.
I hope you have some new information for us soon. According to what we are reading in the paper and seeing on the news, things are looking up for our area. I know that there aren’t many homes for sale in Twyckenham Hills, but the ones that WERE sold fairly quickly.
I am dying to hear what you have for us lately. According to the news media, things have picked up quite a bit in our area. I know that here in Twyckenham Hills, the little inventory available has sold quickly. I know this is a popular area, but I’m surprised that ANY homes are selling, let alone within a month or two. That seems to be the case on the south side.
Any month sales report updates? How’s real estate doing in 2012???