All Residential Properties
Early in the morning on August 1st, 2008, there were 2,873 residential properties listed for sale in the South Bend Area MLS with a combined price of $426,809,088
289 sales closed in July 2008 for $35,724,351 in sales volume
About 1 in 10 residential propertes listed for sale sold in July 2008 in the South Bend Area MLS
Single Family Houses
279 sales for $33,054,791 in volume.
The sales were nearly evenly split above and below $100,000
24 houses sold above $250,000
Condos and Townhouses
In July, there were 5 sales for $706,000 in volume reported in the mls.
With 86 condos and townhouses for sale, about 6 % of listed condos/townhouses sold in July.
17 condos or townhouses are currently marked “pending” and with the changing loan standards of the FHA and other lending institutiaons, it is likely some of these won’t close.
Always interesting….keep up the good stat work!