Entire MLS (residential)
Listed today: 2,601 properties / combined list price of $377,318,851
Sold in April: 262 transactions / $28,352,752 in volume
Noteworthy: still 10 months of supply and the mls is running out of keyboxes.

Single Family Houses
Listed today: 2,414
Sold in April: 246 transactions, $25,295,027 in volume
Noteworthy: 83 sales, 34% of the month’s total, were below $50,000. All were below $500,000.

House Sales Prices in the Greater South Bend-Mishawaka MLS, April 2008

Listed today: 186
Sold in April: 16 transactions, $3,057,725 in volume
Noteworthy: The proposed “Main Street Condos‘ at the JMS building expired without comment or visible progress.

Condo / Villa / Townhouse Sales Prices in the Greater South Bend - Mishawaka MLS, April 2008

Condo Sales in Detail
April’s condo sales consisted of two new construction condos, an Oak Hill flip, one unit at Ashbury Court and a few lower-priced condos.

2 Responses

  1. Good post. One important thing to note is there may be a 10 months supply on the market now….but a 13.3 months supply regarding price. The low end homes are selling (just like in the recent past) but very few high end. I’m curious who is buying the low end….owner occupied or landlord/rehabs for rent? What will be interesting to see is how deep the ND market is? Will the market be saturated by the time Eddy Street Commons comes on line? The desire to invest in real estate has absolutely tanked. Second, third, forth home buyers are not nearly as excited as they were 3 years ago. Pendle Woods is going on its 5th year of construction (and probably on to a 6th year). North Douglas is off to a very very slow beginning (will it go apartment?). Keenan Court is DOA. Numerous condo-hotels never get built. Notre Dame Avenue Townhomes is DOA. Colfax Place and JMS projects are dead. Stadium Club is dead and back to apartment. That other Notre Dame Avenue project (very high end townhomes thingy at the bend of ND Ave) has not made a peep. Woodbridge Villas is almost dead. Woodbridge Condos are back to 2001 with many on the market. Oak Hill has a ton of inventory too. There are even several Jamison Residences for sale.

    The Oak Hill sale was just silly. Something seems fishy. Or an out-of-towner bought it who is a bit clueless on the local market and couldn’t afford a unit in Irish Crossings or The Wexford Place.

    Another scatter graph of sales would be helpful. Keep up the good work!

  2. I’ve added the scatter graphs to the original post. Hopefully you find them informative.

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