Meet Our Team

Joe Molnar
Specializes in Granger, historic homes and relocation to the South Bend area.
Joe Molnar has been involved in the Real Estate industry for his entire working life. He obtained his Indiana Real Estate license in 1976 and during the last 40+ years, he has built over 200 homes and helped more than 900 people buy or sell their homes.
Joe is married to his wife Mary. Together in their blended families, they have 7 children and 8 grandchildren. When Joe and Mary aren’t doing long bike rides, they are “owned” by a newfypoo named Stella. Mary recently retired from a long and noble career in nursing and would love for Joe to get out of the house more. So call him for a tour of homes or a round of golf. Just remind him to call Mary and ask what carry-out he can grab for them for dinner when he’s done.

Nick Molnar
Specializes in condos, the Notre Dame area, investment properties and market conditions.
Nick Molnar is Joe’s son. He has been a South Bend based real estate professional since 2005. Before that he lived in Chicago, where he worked at a real estate marketing firm, as well as in Egypt and Korea, where he taught English. Nick is married to his wife Tracy. They have 3 rambunctious children and a newfypoo named Jerry. Nick is often seen exercising in his homemade basement gym, having his dog Jerry take him for a walk, and coaching his sons basketball teams. He’s a self proclaimed geek of housing stats and is always willing to share his knowledge. If you see him out running, tell him it’s time to head home and help his kids with their homework.

Tracy Molnar
Specializes in condos, the Notre Dame area, investment properties and market conditions.
Tracy Molnar is married to Nick. When she’s not playing Uber to her kids, she can be found staging homes, doing the team’s marketing efforts and accounting, taking 3D tours of homes, and of course keeping both Nick and Joe in line. Tracy’s kiddos are all grade school aged and one has special needs so she spends a fair bit of time on hold with doctors, getting referrals and driving to therapy and doctor appointments. When you go to sell your home, call us first. Tracy can do a walk through of your home to help you make the most cost effective changes to make the biggest bang for your buck. Tracy might be sleep deprived at times but is ready to help make your house look it’s best.

19047 Orchard Heights Drive, South Bend, IN | 574.217.4770 | © 2021