And they have names that point towards Notre Dame and quaint hamlets.

Colfax Place
GameDay Hall of Fame
North Douglas Condos
Waterford Estates Lodge
Stadium Club
Stadium Village

There is some concern that developers will overbuild the market, leaving unsold units which will become rowdy student housing disturbing the peaceful character of the neighborhoods in which they are built.

It’s a valid concern, but one that fades as you look at the projects. The bulk of the units are condo-hotels which aren’t well suited for long stays, or luxury units that will place them beyond the financial reach of most students. In addition, the University is committed to offering an on-campus experience for it’s students.

Here’s a quick rundown of several projects and the likelihood they will be dominated by students:

Notre Dame has a strong on-campus tradition and is breaking ground on a new dormatory Thursday. South Bend also has plenty of rental houses marketed to students. These condos are pitching themselves to Notre Dame fans who want to avoid hotel hassles on game weekends, Notre Dame faculty who want carefree housing, and empty-nest baby-boomers who are ready to downsize from the family home.

One proposed development north of the University was rejected by the County Commission because the neighbors were strongly against it. There is oversight for these projects and they will float to the market — if they stop selling, planned units won’t be built.

With appropriate foresight, buying a Notre Dame condo can be a great investment that allows you to enjoy Notre Dame home game weekends and capture the appreciation of your property. There are also many opportunities for South Bend natives looking for a no-maintenance home.

If you are looking for a condo near Notre Dame, contact Nick at 574-309-3758 / or Joe at 574-286-5683 / and we will help you understand the market.

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