Condos and rowhouses are perfect for some people – students who’d rather study than landscape and fans who use them only occasionally. But some families need, and some people just want a standalone house with a yard. If you can look past the excitement surrounding new condo projects around Notre Dame, there are some interesting single family home projects as well.
Notre Dame has been purchasing property since the 1980s and in the last few years has launched its “Notre Dame Avenue Housing Project” through which it sells these lots to full-time employees who promise to sell back to the university when they leave. For more information, read South Bend Tribune article about the project.
The South Bend Heritage Foundation has rehabbed about a dozen homes for sale as affordable housing, generally priced under $70,000 and mostly placed on St. Louis Avenue. These are available to people who will live in the homes and who make less than 80% of the median income.
These programs are laudable, breathing new life into the neighborhood and improving the quality of housing. However they each are geared toward a specific population. If you aren’t a member of these groups, don’t feel left out. There are many other homes in the area and you can rehab one yourself or watch for someone else’s rehab to come on the market.