While I was driving through Granger this morning, it seemed like every other house had a “For Sale” sign in the yard. There were enough to spark my curiosity, and when I got back to the office, I spent a few minutes on queries.
According to the local MLS there are 142 properties for sale with a status of active in Granger. According to the 2000 Census figures quoted in Wikipedia, there are 9,184 households in Granger. Using these conservative figures – they include apartments, and exclude FSBOs – that means roughly 1.5 percent of the homes in Granger are on the market, about 1 out of every 65.
For comparisons here are the numbers in South Bend and Mishawaka:
South Bend – 42,908 households, 1,003 listings or about 2.4%
Mishawaka – 20,248 households, 264 listings or about 1.3%
Is there any apartment for rent in Granger’s Northpoint Elementary School zone? Thanks
Sorry. According the the PHM Transportation Department, there are no apartments within the boundaries for Northpoint.
Look at the post from April 24th for more information on apartments in the PHM district.