The South Bend Common Council passed an ordinance designed to lessen the negative impact of vacant and abandoned homes in the city. It requires the property owners to register habitually vacant or abandoned properties with the city, pay an annual fee, maintain liability insurance, and designate a property manager in the area.
According to WSBT, “The city’s code enforcement department says there are more than 600 vacant homes across the city.” The census bureau, however puts that figure at 7,981 homes. South Bend’s Housing and Community Development Plan includes a map of the county coded by vacancy rate.
If signed by Mayor Leucke, the vacant property rules will be effective January 1st.
The ordinance is available here, South Bend Tribune’s article here.
Sad that regulations have to be set in order to keep slackers and slumlords in line. I’m also doubtful that the ordinance will even do anything to correct the people or situations that are in the “wrong”. I briefed through the ordinance and laughed at the part about the screw and bolt type requirements and registration fees. Sounds like a bunch of red tape that will solve nothing.
Why Doesn’t the city go after the morgage companties that are letting the properties they close on.. Keep it cleaned up.. It would help the area a lot. I can not believe that the city is letting morgage companties get by with neglect. They go after the owners if they let their property go slack. Than when the owners are closed on. They don’t bother with finance companties or banks.. Just isn’t fair.